TELEWORK - An opportunity for Creativity

Crest of Saint-Jean

We communicate and collaborate differently, we are called to adapt, to imagine, to reflect and sometimes to reinvent ourselves while using our skills and knowledge. Here at the Royal Military College Saint-Jean, our members are creative and we are proud of it!

Your Human Resources have gathered tips and resources in this guide for successful virtual collaboration in a spirit of trust and teamwork.


Covid-19 : Working Virtually

Tips for Managers

Connect with your team members as a group or individually to:

  • ensure team members are okay
  • update team members on departmental direction
  • identify a communication strategy; for example, confirm that employees are getting departmental messages, confirm frequency of communication touch points
  • share clear work expectations with your team members during the crisis situation

Confirm which employees are teleworking, which are on annual leave and which are on leave due to COVID-19.


Support team members as needed; for example, determine which team members need one-on-one chats or more frequent check-ins.


Be flexible and human. Your team will be working from home and may have family members creating additional demands on their time. They may also be experiencing anxiety or feeling isolated and alone.

Tips for Team Members

Connect with your colleagues and manager to:

  • ask questions
  • confirm communication channels on how to get the most up-to-date information on working arrangements during the COVID-19 outbreak
  • clarify your manager’s expectations during the crisis situation
  • share best practices regarding working remotely
  • talk over your concerns to avoid anxiety about any ambiguous expectations

Be aware of which colleagues are teleworking and which colleagues are on leave.


Be kind to yourself. This may be a period of anxiety for you and your loved ones, so take care of yourself. Do not hesitate to reach out to your supervisor, your team members or the Employee Assistance Program for support.

Additional Resources

Check your departmental directives about IT and bandwidth usage, for example, VPN access, email usage, text messages


Confirm which communication tools you can use for your team


Covid-19: Working Remotely - Tips for Team Members

To help slow the spread of COVID-19, many federal public servants are now working from home, some for the first time. Here are a few tips to help.

Communicate, Communicate, Communicate
  • Find the right communication tools to make up for the loss of face-to-face time.
  • Communicate frequently using a variety of channels, like the telephone and email.
  • Respond quickly to email requests if you can, if only to specify a time you will be able to respond more fully.
  • Find a way to interact informally through virtual water cooler or coffee chats.
  • Check in and inquire about other members of the team on a regular basis.
Stay Motivated and Organized
  • The nature of remote work requires self-management. Self-motivation and self-discipline are essential for team members.
  • Stay organized. Have a plan for the day, but be prepared to pivot!
  • Manage your time efficiently and keep team members up to date on important deadlines.
  • Define your working hours, and respect your start and finish times.
Honesty and Trust
  • Honesty is possibly the most important way to promote trust. Trusting other team members makes the team more effective.
  • You are not alone! Don’t be afraid to ask for help from your team leader and team members.
Support your Team
  • Help each other be right.
  • Share your ideas and expertise.
  • Work together with a sense of energy and team spirit.
  • Prioritize getting along with your team members. Foster a climate of respect in which members feel safe to explore new ideas.
  • Recognize a job well done.
Care for Yourself and Others
  • Try not to work longer than your regular working hours. Others you care for also depend on you.
  • Get some rest, eat a balanced diet and use your communication devices to continue to stay in touch with others.
  • Lead with Kindness
  • Be Proactive
  • Seek Solutions
  • Offer to Help

Covid-19: Working Remotely - Tips for Team Leaders

To help slow the spread of COVID-19, many federal public servants are now working from home, some for the first time. Here are a few tips to assist team leaders.

Focus on People
  • Develop a strong sense of purpose. Build and sustain an environment of trust by communicating consistently and often to create a sense of team.
Be Transparent and Honest
  • Be consistent with your words and actions.
  • Lead honestly and openly. You will find that team members respond with trust.
Build Team Relationships
  • Organize virtual team meetings regularly and help team members get to know each other on a human level.
  • Facilitate weekly "water cooler" chats to create a team culture.
Give Goals and Direction
  • Provide a clear purpose to bring focus, clarity and a shared context to virtual teams.
  • Share a common vision that focuses on the team's mission and objectives by continually realigning people to emerging priorities.
Empower the Team
  • Clearly set out the desired results while letting individual team members decide how best to achieve them.
  • Convey your trust. This will foster team members' sense of ownership in their work.
Motivate the Team
  • Motivate by creating passion for the team's cause and by keeping the big picture at the forefront.
  • Be clear about the importance of the tasks and their positive outcomes.
Provide Feedback
  • Use various techniques like coaching and regular consultation to provide timely feedback to your team members.
Exercise Flexible Leadership
  • Be ready to adapt your leadership style. Early on, you may need to use your motivational skills. Later, you may need to keep team members on-task and focused.
  • Be flexible and willing to let others take the lead when necessary.

Remember, relationships are based on trust, respect, purpose, empowerment and accountability.

We thank the Public Health Agency of Canada for sharing much of this advice.

Canada School of Public Service

Virtual Team Charter Guidelines

Mission and Vision

Clearly outline the team’s objectives and purpose. Begin with a statement in one or two sentences about what the team is expected to do.

Roles and Responsabilities

Establish roles and responsibilities among team members. What are the various roles that team members will take on to support team success?

Team Values

Choose values that support the purpose of your team, not just values that reflect individual team members’ personal preferences. That said, team values shouldn’t be in direct conflict with your personal values.

Skills and Knowledge Inventory

Identify the skills and knowledge areas that members bring to the team. Team members can also identify any skills or knowledge areas they would like to develop.


Outline the basic operating principles and procedures that govern your team, including:

  • communication protocols (video-conferencing, meetings, emails, instant messaging, etc.)
  • standard operating procedures and file management
  • mechanisms for decision making
Conflict Resolution Mechanisms

Discuss and agree beforehand on how to deal constructively with conflicts. This will help ensure an optimal functioning team during challenging times.

Tips for Success
  • Build your charter early on when your new team is forming
  • Explain why the charter is important, to obtain everyone’s buy-in
  • Build the team charter together
  • Ensure your charter is accessible to everyone on the team
  • Consider the charter as evolving; review quarterly or as needed
  • Use the charter for accountability and direction - never for policing
Canada School of Public Service

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Centre of Expertise on Mental Health in the Workplace

COVID-19 and Mental Health @ Work

Mental Health Tips for Working from Home

Maintain social connection for mental health… from a distance.

Meaningful social connections help protect our mental health. But how do you maintain social connection at a time when public health authorities call for “social distancing” to stop the spread of illness? This fact sheet offers tips to help address isolation and loneliness some employees may experience while working from home.

Set a schedule

We are creatures of habit. Routine helps us physically and mentally prepare for our day. When working from home:

  • Get ready for work. Shower. Get dressed. Eat breakfast. Keep the same routine as when heading into the office.
  • "Commute" to work. If possible, have a dedicated workspace that minimizes distractions and helps reduce the blurring of lines between your work and home life.
  • Schedule your time. Set regular working hours, including breaks and self-care practices between different tasks. Check-in regularly with your manager and colleagues.
  • Respect your limits. Resist the temptation to keep working beyond your established work hours. Know, respect and share your limits with those around you to avoid burnout.

Stay connected

Physically distancing ourselves can make us feel disconnected. To help maintain social connection:

  • Call / text a "work buddy". Pair up with a peer to whom you can relate, sharing successes and challenges.
  • Take a virtual coffee break. Skype, FaceTime, etc., hearing friendly voices and maintaining social connection.
  • "Meet" by the water cooler. Set up a channel on a social networks for impromptu, informal workplace conversations.
  • Help colleagues with disabilities. Offer assistance such as taking notes during virtual meetings or writing a descriptive text to relay information on images.

Make time for self-care

Practising self-care isn’t selfish. It is essential to maintaining positive mental health. Back to basics works best:

  • Get sufficient sleep. Aim for 7.5 to 9 hours of sleep. Maintain proper sleep hygiene for the rest you need.
  • Eat healthily. Ensure proper, balanced nutrition throughout your work day. Stay hydrated.
  • Exercise regularly. Your gym may be closed, but the outdoors are not. Get outside for a daily 20-30 minute walk.

Learn more

Tools and tips. Visit and follow @CEMHW_CESMMT for resources, services and supports.

In distress? Contact your Employee Assistance Program, or call 9-1-1 if in crisis.


Further reading:

Working Remotely – Information for Government Employees

Going Remote Guide for Managers

DND/CAF Security Guide for Teleworking during the COVID-19 Response

O365 de la Défense
Le SMA(GI) a commencé le lancement de Défence 0365, un ensemble d’outils de Microsoft Office (MS) pour le MDN et les FAC qui appuient le télétravail et la collaboration. Grâce à O365 de la Défense, tous les membres du personnel auront accès aux outils suivants pour traiter de l’information jusqu’au niveau Protégé A : Microsoft Teams, OneDrive, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Planner, OneNote et Outlook. Ces outils offrent la messagerie instantanée, les courriels, les vidéoconférences et les rencontres en ligne, la gestion des documents et plus encore. Cette suite d’outils peut être utilisée à l’aide d’appareils personnels et professionnels.

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