Yann Breault
Office: Lahaie 315
Telephone : (450) 358-6777, ext. 6685918
E-mail: yann.breault@cmrsj-rmcsj.ca
Assistant Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences Department
- INT-315 Geopolitical Block: Eurasia
- INT-202 Introduction to international studies
- GOE-201 World Geography
- 385-204-ST Current Issues in International Relations
- PH. D., Political Science (Honours), Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) (2011)
- Certificate in Russian Language, Minsk Linguistic State University (2000)
- Master, Political Science, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) (1999)
- Bachelor of Arts, History, Université de Sherbrooke (1997)
- Foreign policies of Russia and the states of the former USSR
- Geostrategic and geoeconomic issues of Eurasia
- Identities and nationalisms in post-communist societies
- Interstate relations
- Security policies
- Identity transformations
Yann Breault is an assistant professor at the Royal Military College of St-Jean. He previously taught at the Université du Québec à Montréal, where he obtained a PhD in Political science with honours for a thesis on national identity reconstructions within the post-Soviet states of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. With Jacques Lévesque, he founded in 2015 the Eurasia Observatory (ODE) at the Center for Studies on Integration and Globalization (CEIM) and joined the Strategic Analysis Network in 2020. His research focuses mainly on the foreign policies of Russia and the states of the former USSR, geostrategic and geoeconomic issues in Eurasia, and questions of identity.
He is co-author of La Russie et son ex-Empire, reconfiguration géopolitique de l’ancien espace post-soviétique (Science Po, 2003), and contributor to several collective books including The Return of the Cold War: Ukraine, the West and Russia (Routledge, 2016), The New World Disorder: Challenges and Threats in an Uncertain World (Lexington, 2019) and L’après COVID-19 : Quel multilatéralisme face aux enjeux globaux ? (Bruylant, 2021). His work has been published in Le Monde diplomatique, Relations, Diplomatie, Interventions économiques and Études Internationales.
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Scientific Papers (peer-reviewed)
- Breault, Y. (2021). Le « nouveau départ » de la course russo-américaine aux arsenaux nucléaires. Études internationales, 52(1-2), 123–145. DOI : https://doi.org/10.7202/1086932ar
- Lévesque, J. and Breault, Y. (2016). La multipolarité et sa tournure « revanchiste » dans la politique internationale de la Russie : ses causes, son cheminement et les options du Canada. Études internationales, 47(4), 431–450. DOI : https://doi.org/10.7202/1042056ar
Book Chapters
- Breault, Y. (2021). Vers une redistribution des rôles multilatéraux ? Retour de la Russie dans le multilatéralisme ? In O. Bichsel, O. Delas, et B. Jouzier (dir.), L'après Covid-19 : quel multilatéralisme face aux enjeux globaux ? : regards croisés : Union européenne, Amérique du Nord, Asie. Bruxelles : Bruylant.
- Breault, Y. and Rioux, M. (2019). The Globalization/Deglogablisation Dialectic: A Fragmented World Order on the Road to Globalization 2.0?. In D. Andersen-Rodgers, R. Austin, Y. Breault, B. Buchanan, et al. (eds.). The New World Disorder: Challenges and Threats in an Uncertain World. Rowman & Littlefield.
- Breault, Y., Jolicœur, P. and Lévesque, J. (2003). Chapitre 4. Ukraine : Un difficile équilibre entre Russie et Europe. In J. Lévesque, Y. Breault et P. Jolicœur (Dir), La Russie et son ex-empire: Reconfiguration géopolitique de l’ancien espace soviétique (pp. 105-135). Paris: Presses de Sciences Po.
- Breault, Y., Jolicœur, P. and Lévesque, J. (2003). Chapitre 13. Kirghizie : le coopérant tous azimuts. Dans J. Lévesque, Y. Breault et P. Jolicœur (Dir), La Russie et son ex-empire: Reconfiguration géopolitique de l’ancien espace soviétique (pp. 299-313). Paris: Presses de Sciences Po.
- Breault, Y., Jolicœur, P. and Lévesque, J. (2003). Chapitre 3. Bélarus : un allié encombrant. In J. Lévesque, Y. Breault and P. Jolicœur (dir.), La Russie et son ex-empire: Reconfiguration géopolitique de l’ancien espace soviétique (pp. 79-104). Paris: Presses de Sciences Po.
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