
Due to the numerous dress possibilities, it is impossible to describe them all. All Mess members must use common sense and good taste while ensuring that their Members or guests who do not abide with these dress regulations, in all circumstances will be asked to leave the Mess.

Relaxed dress is authorized at the Mess. Dress code is posted at the entrance, inside the Vieux Mess. For entertainment activities, dress code shall be specified in due course. Bermuda shorts, and leather sandals with heel strap are authorized from the first week of April to the last week of September.

During special activities or private functions, the Mess Commandant may authorize change in the dress code.

During special activities, non-participants will avoid disturbing the activity that takes place and be discreet especially if they do not wear the proper clothing for that event.

Overcoats and headgear. Overcoats and headgear shall be left in the cloakroom. The wear of these items is prohibited in the Mess.

Sports dress. Sports dress may be authorized by the PMC after sports activities. However, unisex tank tops and spandex are prohibited.


dress is as follows:

  1. Formal or evening dress:
    1. mess kit, uniform no.2, 2B;
    2. tuxedo (with miniature medals, if authorised); evening gown (with miniature medals, if authorised); or
    3. dark suit with shirt and tie; long dress/cocktail dress.
  2. Semi-formal dress:
    1. uniform no.3;
    2. two or three-piece suit with shirt and tie; appropriate dress or skirt and blouse;
    3. jacket / blouse with dress skirt or trousers; or sport's jacket with appropriate shirt or sweater/sport s jacket with shirt and tie or turtleneck sweater.
  3. Relaxed dress:
    1. dress of the day;
    2. clean trousers and shirt, polo shirt (collar), sports shirt (with collar), with trousers, Bermuda and 3/4 pants; dress, skirt, trousers/Capri pants 3/4; and sweater/blouse/or other appropriate garment;
    3. clean jeans, without holes, are authorized.
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