

Date of publication April 1st 2023

This edition of the Statutes and Regulations supersedes all previous Constitution or Statutes and Regulations, and is approved by the Mess Cmdt.


1. This publication applies to the mess. It prescribes the policies and procedures that govern the administration of the mess in accordance with Canadian Armed Forces orders and regulations.

2. Consistent implementation of the principles set out in this document will guarantee that mess facilities are used in the best possible way. As delegated by the Mess Cmdt, the mess committee (MC) is responsible for all management aspects of the mess.

3. Mess members are required to read and understand the procedures set out in the Statutes and Regulations and members of the mess management are required to implement these procedures on behalf of the Mess Cmdt.

VIEUX MESS Commandant
Royal Military College Saint-Jean
Colonel G. Bédard, CD



1. The mess, located on the Royal Military College Saint-Jean site, is designated as the “VIEUX MESS” of ROYAL MILITARY COLLEGE SAINT-JEAN (Vieux Mess of RMC SAINT-JEAN) (hereinafter called the “mess”).


2. The mess is established pursuant to DAOD 5045-0 Canadian Forces Personnel Support Programs, A-PS-110-001/AG-002 Morale and Welfare Programs in the Canadian Forces, and the Personnel Support Programs Policy Manual. It is an autonomous non-public funds (NPF) institution of 2 Canadian Division Support Group (2 Cdn Div SG) and shall be managed by its own committee.


3. The purpose of the mess is to provide its members with:

  1. a common meeting place;
  2. a centre for recreational and social activities;
  3. a home;
  4. temporary accommodation;
  5. a venue for official ceremonies; and
  6. a suitable repository to exhibit items recalling military heritage or other memorable events.


4. The Comd 2 Cdn Div SG is responsible for the direction and management of messes located in 2 Cdn Div SG sector and has delegated the responsibility of mess Cmdt to the Cmdt RMC Saint-Jean.


5. Mess members are divided in three categories:

  1. ordinary members;
  2. associate members; and
  3. honorary members.


6. Ordinary members are:

  1. Members of the CAF serving in units served by the mess; except N/Ocdts of the Cadet Wing;
  2. Foreign military members employed or on training in one of the units served by the mess, except members of the Cadet Wing; and
  3. all CAF military trainees attached to one of RMC Saint-Jean’s lodger units, except N/OCdts of the Cadet Wing.

7. Unless otherwise stipulated, ordinary members shall preserve their status during any period of temporary absence, such as annual leave, sick leave, hospitalization, or any period of outside service during which they are not paying dues to another mess.


8. The following persons may become associate members:

  1. group A.
    1. honorably released members of the Regular Force who are entitled to a full or a deferred annuity;
    2. honorably released members of the Primary Reserve with a minimum of 12 years of service; and
    3. DND civilian employees working in one of the units served by the mess as well as NPF (except Vieux Mess staff) and Corporation du Fort St-Jean employees.
  2. group B. Any other person working in civilian life who, by virtue of his or her status, personal qualities, professional knowledge and affinity with the Canadian Armed Forces may be considered as candidate for membership of the mess.
  3. Associate member status will be reviewed on a yearly basis during the first General Assembly of the year and this review will be voted by ordinary members;
  4. Associate members are granted mess privileges but they cannot sit on the Mess Committee (MC). However, one or more associate member will be invited to sit on the MC and attend General Mess Meetings as associate members’ representative, but without voting rights. Anyone may provide assistance to the MC and sub-committees, but without any formal responsibilities.


9. The following may be honorary members:

  1. any personality who is not a regular or associate member of the mess may be offered honorary membership for a period not exceeding a year. Subject to change, this membership may be renewed for other one-year periods upon recommendation of the MC, following a majority vote of the general assembly, and with the Cmdt’s approval; and
  2. honorary membership allows recognizing a person’s position in or contribution to the country or Canadian Armed Forces by allowing this person to participate in Mess activities. However, when an honorary member wishes to use Mess facilities more often, associate membership must be requested. This also applies to honorary members who are ordinary members of another mess.

10. Honorary members

  1. are entitled to mess privileges;
  2. are not in any way at the service of the Mess; and
  3. pay no dues or monthly fees.


11. Only ordinary members may serve as members of the MC; however, associate members may contribute to the MC, but without voting rights. The PSP deputy manager and the Mess Manager shall be an ex-officio member without voting rights.

12. The business of the mess shall be managed by a MC and its members are appointed by the Mess Cmdt or elected at a General Mess Meeting.

13. The RMC Saint-Jean Cmdt shall appoint members to the following MC positions normally for a one year mandate so that these positions may be alternately held by an officer and a non-commissioned member:

  1. president (PMC);
  2. vice-president (VPMC); and
  3. secretary.

14. The following MC members shall be elected by the General Mess Meeting or appointed by the RMC Saint-Jean Cmdt:

  1. entertainment member;
  2. projects and furniture member;
  3. associate members’ representative;
  4. treasurer;
  5. 1 representative of RCSU(E);
  6. 1 representative of 2nd CRPG;
  7. 1 representative of 2nd squadron of 77 line Regt RCCS;
  8. communications representative; and
  9. such other members as deemed necessary by the MC.

15. The MC may engage the following persons to provide services in an advisory capacity:

  1. the highest-ranking living-in member of RMC Saint-Jean; and
  2. any other person designated by the RMC Saint-Jean Cmdt or the PMC.

16. All ordinary members of the MC are entitled to vote at MC meetings;

17. All ordinary members are entitled to vote at General Mess Meetings, except the Cmdt of the Mess and the PMC.


18. Entertainment Committee. An Entertainment Committee may exist. It shall be composed of an indeterminate number of mess members. This committee shall be chaired by the mess entertainment member sitting on the MC.

19. ssociate Members Nomination Committee. The committee is chaired by the VPMC assisted by two voting members of the MC and the associate members’ representative. This committee assesses the files of all new associate membership requests. Incomplete files are sent to the sponsor for modifications, and Group A membership requests that are compliant are presented to the PMC and at the next MC meeting. The committee also reviews the list of associate members on a yearly basis, before its presentation at the General Mess Meeting (normally during the GMM in March, in anticipation of the MC’s new fiscal year’s operations).


20. Mess meetings are as follows:

  1. Meetings of the MC;
  2. General Mess Meetings; and
  3. Special General Mess Meetings.

21. MC Meetings

  1. frequency: meetings are held regularly, or when convened by the PMC;
  2. meeting convening: a quorum of 50 per cent of MC’s voting members; and
  3. discussion topics
    1. activities falling under the competence of the MC;
    2. budget and financial statements; and
    3. recommendations on the management or operations of the mess, addressed to the Mess Cmdt and the General Mess Meeting.

22. General Mess Meetings:

  1. frequency. to be held twice a year (usually in March and October):
  2. meeting convening:
    1. ordinary members are convened to General Mess Meetings;
    2. a one month notice is normally given to ordinary members before the General Mess Meeting is held;
    3. the General Mess Meeting agenda is sent to members electronically 30 days before the meeting; and
    4. the following constitute a quorum:
      1. every ordinary member is required to be present at a General Mess Meeting unless excused by the Cmdt;
      2. there is quorum when 50 per cent of ordinary members logically capable of attending the meeting are present (ref PSP Policy Manual, chapiter 9-4, paragraph 43).
      3. If there is no quorum, the PMC may hold the meeting, and the Mess Cmdt can decide to validate or not the decisions made during the meeting.
  3. Discussion topics:
    1. presentation of the MC;
    2. budget and financial statements;
    3. Election of members of the MC
    4. status of ongoing projects; and
    5. activities program for the mess.

23. Special General Mess Meetings: Special General Mess Meetings are held as requested by the Mess Cmdt, the PMC, a voted resolution of the MC or by a request signed by at least 25 per cent of ordinary members.


24. Functions, receptions and entertainment events are defined as follows:

  1. Official Functions: functions declared official by the Cmdt, indicating:
    1. that federal public service employees working on that occasion shall be paid out of public funds in accordance with the applicable collective agreement;
    2. NPF permanent and temporary employees be paid by the function organizers; and
    3. military personnel who work at the function (including cooks, musicians, and permanent military personnel) shall not receive any additional pay unless permitted by a Cmdt’s directive.
  2. Non-Official Functions: functions for which the costs are not paid from public funds, including:
    1. special functions: those to which only certain members are invited due to the type of function and the number of guests;
    2. open receptions: those which all ordinary, associate and honorary members and their guests may attend;
    3. happy hours: function entirely financed by the mess which members and their guests may attend;
    4. family functions: functions organized by the mess where members are invited with their family; and
    5. Usually, the cost established for a member for a Mess activity applies to one (1) guest.
  3. Member units (RMCSJ, Osside Institute, RCSU (E), 77 Line Regt RCCS, and 2nd CRPG) may program up to 8 activities per unit per year, at no cost in the Vieux Mess (no room rental fees, assembly fees or cleaning costs).


25. Private receptions: private receptions are functions held by members with the approval of the mess management.

  1. A member of the mess may hold one private activity per year at the Vieux Mess without any rental fees based on availability of the mess.

26. Commercialization. Commercialization activities are authorized activities held at the mess according to availability for which rental fees and operating expenses are charged to the user.

  1. No rental fees shall be charged to a military unit other than those served by the mess that conducts a commercialization activity at the mess. However, operating expenses are payable by the user.
  2. Room rental fees are established and reviewed annually by the members of the MC.


27. Any proposed amendment to the Statutes and Regulations of RMC Saint-Jean Vieux Mess shall be submitted in writing no later than 10 days prior to a General Mess Meeting. Proposals must be supported by three ordinary members and addressed to the mess secretary. The proposal must be endorsed by the MC before it is posted for the required 7 consecutive days before which it can be debated at the General Mess Meeting. To be adopted, any amendment to the Statutes and Regulations must be approved by two-thirds of the ordinary members present at the General Mess Meeting.



1. Authority. The Cmdt of the Mess approves the nomination of associate members following the recommendation of the MC and a majority vote at the General Mess Meeting.

2. Members. Associate members fall into two groups:

  1. group A. Group A is described in paragraph 8a of the Statutes. Their nominations shall be forwarded to the mess supervisor who submits them to the VPMC for verification, then to the PMC for approval; and
  2. group B. Group B is described in paragraph 8b of the Statutes
    1. Their nomination of associate members shall be forwarded to the mess supervisor who submits them to the VPMC for verification of the Associate Members Nomination Committee; and
    2. The MC may review the number of Group B associate members annually to make sure that this number corresponds to the objectives of the Mess.
  3. Member’s list, including all personnel information, must be updated by the Mess supervisor for the MC’s consideration.

3. Group B associate members nomination process:

  1. associate membership proposals. All regular members of the mess who acts as sponsor for an applicant must submit a membership proposal form. This form includes information on the applicant’s motivations for becoming a member and the benefits of this membership for the Mess and its members. The applicant’s CV must be submitted with the form. The CV should adequately establish the links between the social and/or professional qualities of the applicant and the benefits of a nomination as associate member of the Vieux Mess. The membership proposal form is available at the office of the Vieux Mess; and
  2. responsibilities of the sponsor. Sponsors must inform associate member candidates that the associate member status is renewable annually and must accordingly impress upon associate members the need to make themselves known in a favourable light to other Mess members. The sponsor must guide the new member with regard to Mess traditions. They must also assure good behaviour in the form of respecting all CAF orders, regulations and values from the associate member candidates.
  3. responsibilities of the Nomination Committee.
    1. Validates the information presented in the propositions and presents group A requests to the PMC; and
    2. Assesses group B propositions and presents them to the MC with recommendations. Incomplete files will be returned to the supervisor to be forwarded to the sponsor for adjustments.
  4. responsibilities of the MC. following the assessment of nomination proposals or a meeting with the candidate, the MC presents its nomination recommendations to the General Mess Meeting. The MC may grant temporary membership pending the next General Mess Meeting. The MC will seek Mess Cmdt’s final approval using the minutes of the General Meeting.

4. Renewals:

  1. the status of all group A associate members shall be renewed annually by the PMC, in accordance with the start of the NPF financial year (usually at the General Mess Meeting held in March); and
  2. the status of all Group B associate members shall be renewed as follows: first, the Associate Members Nomination Committee will review the list, then the MC will approve renewals at the beginning the NPF financial year, subject to the approval of ordinary members at the General Mess Meeting where the budget is approved (usually at the General Mess Meeting held in March).

5. associate membership proposals not supported or voted against at the General Mess Meeting. When an associate membership proposal is not supported by the MC or is voted against at a General Mess Meeting, the representative of the Associate Members Nomination Committee meets with the candidate’s sponsor to inform him or her of the decision.


6. Spending Authority:

  1. is stated in accordance with the NPF delegation authority. The PMC, the VPMC and the Mess Manager have spending authority for staff, operations and maintenance, in accordance with the operation budget and only if they hold the proper procurement training;
  2. is granted when the budget presented by the MC is approved by vote at the General Mess Meeting;
  3. There are two types of NPF expenses for the Mess:
    1. operation expenses. They must be in the operation budget that was submitted; if they were not planned, they must be justified; and
    2. Capital expenditures. They are not planned for in the operation budget; they must exceed $1000 and be submitted at a General Mess Meeting. These expenses must also be depreciated according to the expected lifetime of the property acquired.
  4. as for acquisitions and renovations:
    1. this type of NPP transaction must be approved by the competent authority. Acquisition requests exceeding $1000 and renovations requests exceeding $2000 must be processed through a capital expenditure request (CER) form. A-FN-105-001/AG-001 is the authority reference for acquisition and renovation; it also provides detailed explanations to fill the CER form;
    2. expenses under $1000 are considered current expenditures whether or not they are planned for in the operation budget. The following procedure applies: a cheque request, including invoice and asset description, must be submitted to the NPP accounting section. The section will allocate an inventory number and will proceed to payment. Disbursements for items of a cost lower than $1000 are part of the current financial year’s expenses, since these items are usually not registered in the inventory. However, items of interest will be registered in the inventory according to classification and appropriate file with a value of zero; and
    3. it is important to remind the MC that the only authorized expenses are those for staff, operation and maintenance, in accordance with the budget voted at the General Mess Meeting.
  5. the members of the MC responsible for approved expenses are authorized to use these funds (but not to conduct the procurement process) and must report the use of funds to the MC. Any over budget must be approved by the MC; and
  6. Should the budget be on the verge of exceeding for more than 10% the annual projection, the PMC will inform the RMC St-Jean Cmdt.

7. Write-offs. “Non-public” losses or damages shall be written off the mess records in accordance with A-FN-105 and the NPF constitution of 2 CA Div SG.

8. Dues. The Vieux Mess charges monthly dues.

  1. ordinary members are encouraged to pay their dues on a monthly basis by pay allotment;
  2. associate members must pay their dues either once a year in March or twice a year in March and September, and upon becoming a member; and
  3. honorary members do not pay dues.

9. Price of commodities. the prices of commodities shall be determined in accordance with the NPF constitution of 2 CA Div SG.

10. Price of activities. The price for each activity is determined in accordance with the expenditure/income ratio provided for in the budget voted by the General Mess Meeting.

11. Activity Coordinator. Any Regular member acting as an activity coordinator for entertainment events will have the price of their tickets covered by the mess.

12. Salaries. The salaries paid to Mess personnel shall be established in accordance with the HR Policy of NPP - 2 CA Div SG and existing collective agreements.

13. Representation expenses (PMC’s Card). Only the following members may authorize expenses at the bar, courtesy of the Mess, for a guest or dignitary, in accordance with the voted amounts and keeping in mind that this card shall not be used to buy rounds of drinks to Mess members:

  1. the PMC; or
  2. any other person when specifically authorized by the PMC.

14. Members’ accounts:

  1. An account is an expense other than monthly dues;
  2. Invoice payment process:
    1. members expenses that are not paid by pay assessment will require a monthly invoice;
    2. members must pay their expenses within 30 calendar days following invoicing;
    3. a letter of warning from the PMC or the Mess Manager will be sent to the members who are late in paying their bill; and
    4. The PMC or the Mess Manager shall inform the Cmdt of the accounts that are more than a month overdue by providing a list with these member’s names. This list shall be produced each month.

15. Mess financial statement. The Deputy PSP Manager with the assistance of the treasurer shall produce a monthly financial statement and forward it to the MC for review and approval. Members shall receive an annual statement at General Mess Meeting.

16. Audits. Spot checks of the bookkeeping and effects of the Mess shall be conducted under the direction of the PSP manager of 2 CA Div SG.


17. Conduct:

  1. it is incumbent upon all members to take the appropriate action when a disciplinary problem arises in the Mess. In the absence of the PMC or VPMC, the senior member present in the Mess shall be responsible for discipline. All serious breaches shall be reported to the PMC who shall, if necessary, inform the Mess Cmdt.
  2. if there are no ordinary members present in the Mess, the Deputy PSP Manager, the Manager or mess staff, if necessary, will request the intervention of the military police;
  3. all members shall be responsible for the conduct and dress of their guests; and
  4. in accordance with the Personnel Support Programs Policy Manual, associate membership may be suspended or canceled for a specific motive.

18. Dress. The MC shall determine and make known the dress required of individuals visiting the mess (see Dress Regulations at annex A). Such rules shall apply to associate and ordinary members alike. Members shall inform their guests of the appropriate dress in the mess.

19. Teenagers and children:

  1. the dress of teenagers and children (12 years of age and younger) shall comply with mess regulations;
  2. children shall remain under the constant supervision of responsible adults (i.e. their parents) while in the mess or on the grounds adjacent to the mess;
  3. children and teenagers shall only be admitted to the mess for family functions, except when an exemption is granted by the PMC/VPMC.

20. Bar opening hours. Bar operating hours shall be set by the MC, with the approval of the Mess Cmdt, and shall be publicized with the various resources available.

21. Extended bar hours. When functions are held at the Mess, extended bar hours may be authorized in accordance with the Quebec Act respecting liquor permits:

  1. special authorization
    1. the individuals listed below may authorize extended bar hours by informing the bar staff on duty:
      1. the Mess Cmdt;
      2. the PMC;
      3. the VPMC;
      4. the Entertainment Committee Chair;
      5. the organizer of the function; and
      6. the Mess supervisor.
    2. exceeding operational costs due to the extended bar hours shall be paid by the Mess.

22. Gambling. Gambling is forbidden

23. Access to the kitchen area. Access to the kitchen is prohibited to all members except to CFSJ food services personnel, the PSP Deputy Manager and the Mess Manager. All members who wish to access the kitchen shall ask for the authorization of the PSP Deputy Manager or the Mess Manager.

24. Animals. No animals shall be allowed in the Mess, except for service animals.

25. Complaints. Any complaints, of whatever nature, shall be made in writing and directed to the PMC, a member of the MC, the PSP Deputy Manager, or the Mess supervisor, and not directly to a Mess employee or CFSJ. If the complaint is against an associate member, the Associate Member Representative must be informed and the latter shall make recommendations on possible actions to the MC.

26. Suggestions. Suggestions may be submitted orally or in writing to a member of the MC. A suggestion box is also provided for this purpose.

27. Reservations and cancellations.

  1. Total amount of the activity must be paid upon reservation, before the stated deadline;
  2. Since the order for the meals must be confirmed to the CFSJ prior to the activity, any cancelation must be given before the reservation deadline in order to receive a full reimbursement ; and
  3. If by any exceptional reason a member is not able to attend the activity, he/she may present a reimbursement request to the PMC who will evaluate the situation.

28. Mess Closing Time. The Mess building is normally closed immediately after the bar closes. However, the room known as “Le Refuge” (2nd floor) is available at any time to those who were granted access.

29. Guests:

  1. any ordinary, associate, or honorary member may invite guests to the mess. The number of guests must be reasonably consistent with the occasion. The member is responsible for his or her guests’ dress and shall inform them of Mess regulations. Members are required to accompany their guests at the Mess;
  2. Members must be present in the Mess at all times when inviting a guest;
  3. When a member wishes to invite a guest to a happy hour, the member should introduce their guest to the Cmdt or the PMC;
  4. for functions or events, the MC shall stipulate the number of guests permitted (the reservation date for members usually precedes the reservation date for member’s guests);
  5. when the spouse/partner is not able to attend an event, the member is entitled to bring a guess at the ‘member’s cost’; and
  6. when a member wishes to invite an official guest, the intent must be communicated to the PMC.

30. Official guests shall be those designated by the PMC or the Mess Cmdt and/or those who may be so invited as “appropriate” as per DAOD 1017-1.


31. Gift fund. A gift fund shall be established, by the MC, by transferring money from the ordinary member dues account to the gift fund.

32. Gift presentations. Gifts are presented as a token of esteem:

  1. to ordinary members (except trainees):
    1. who leave the Vieux Mess after being a member for 12 consecutive months; See Annex B for the approved amount for the gift; and
    2. who qualify for the Depart with Dignity program (10 years of service in the CAF); these members receive a $175 gift.

33. Notice of departure to the Mess supervisor. The member shall inform the Mess Manager at least 30 days prior to the departure date by producing a notice of departure that includes the following information:

  1. name of Mess member;
  2. arrival date;
  3. official departure date; and
  4. date of celebration.

34. Special occasions. A gift may be presented:

  1. to an official guest or dignitary when visiting the Mess or on the occasion of their retirement or transfer;
  2. to a member of the mess whose personality or contribution has had a considerable impact on the members of the Mess; and
  3. the PMC shall insure that the gift is justified, appropriate and does not exceed the approved amount of $200, at his or her discretion or as defined in Annex B.

35. Birth/adoption. When an ordinary member becomes a parent, he or she will receive a gift as a token of esteem, the value of which shall be in accordance with Annex B.

36. Hospitalization/serious illness/accident. Hospitalized members will benefit from the provisions offered by the Support Our Troops Fund in accordance with CANFORGEN 191/06 CMP 096 211022Z Dec 06 Provision of Comfort Items to Hospitalized CF Members.

37. Death of an ordinary member or of one of his or her relatives. When an ordinary member dies, loses his or her partner, father, mother (or the person who educated him/her) or a child, the member or family will receive a gift as a token of esteem as per Annex B.


1. General responsibilities of MC members. Under the direction of the Mess Cdmt, the PMC and members of the MC shall be responsible for:

  1. supervising the operations of the mess for the welfare of all its members, while bearing in mind the official character of the mess for all the purposes stipulated by the Mess Cmdt;
  2. supervising the preparation of a business plan encompassing all the activities of the mess for the approval of members at a General Mess Meeting;
  3. overseeing the proper management of the Mess according to the wishes of the membership, subject to the Mess Cmdt’s approval;
  4. submitting recommendations to the Mess Cmdt regarding problems that fall beyond the scope of their authority and responsibility;
  5. planning the appointment of replacements and successors for committee members; and
  6. supervising the preparation of terms of reference for committee members and subordinates with responsibilities.

2. The President of the Mess Committee (PMC). Reporting to the Cmdt of the Mess, he or she shall perform the following duties:

  1. overseeing Mess administration and management;
  2. overseeing the publication of the Statutes and Regulations of the Mess;
  3. preparing the terms of reference for all MC members;
  4. convening and chairing MC Meetings and General Mess meetings;
  5. reviewing and declaring all outstanding Mess accounts; and
  6. ensuring the accuracy of Mess inventories, specifically with regard to:
    1. furnishings, facilities and equipment (public and non-public); and
    2. all commodities and supplies.

3. The Vice President of the MC (VPMC). Reporting to the PMC, he or she shall perform the following duties:

  1. assist the PMC in carrying out his or her responsibilities;
  2. when required, replace the PMC at General Mess Meetings or MC Meetings;
  3. coordinate and manage short and long term Mess upkeep and renovation projects with the assistance of those responsible for property, decorations and furnishings;
  4. assist the treasurer and Mess Manager in annual and long term budget planning for the Mess;
  5. attend General Mess and MC Meetings;
  6. inform PMC on any matter pertaining to Statutes and Regulations of the Mess;
  7. prepare the amendments to Statutes and Regulations of the Mess provided by the MC, to be presented to members at the General Mess Meeting; and
  8. carry out all other tasks assigned by the PMC.

4. The Mess Secretary. Reporting to the PMC, he or she shall perform the following duties:

  1. ensure that all incoming correspondence is acted upon, prepare outgoing correspondence requiring the signature of the PMC and ensure that files on all aspects of mess operations are kept up to date;
  2. draft, produce and distribute the required copies of the agenda and minutes of General Mess Meetings and MC meetings;
  3. hear out suggestions, which includes reading the suggestion book at least once a week and take the necessary actions with the involved members of the MC and ensure follow up of complaints or suggestions;
  4. attend General Mess Meetings and MC meetings;
  5. update the Statutes and Regulations of the Mess; and
  6. carry out other tasks assigned by the PMC.

5. The Treasurer.

  1. Prepare, with the Deputy PSP Manager, the annual budget of the Mess;
  2. inform the PMC and MC of any matter regarding budget and finances of the Mess;
  3. attend General Mess and MC meetings
  4. assist the Mess Manager with the preparation of budget and financial statements as well as their presentation to MC members at MC Meetings and to ordinary members at General Mess Meetings; and
  5. carry out all other tasks assigned by the PMC

6. Entertainment member. Reporting to the PMC, he or she shall perform the following duties:

  1. organize entertainment activities for the Mess using the budgets assigned for the purpose;
  2. plan, prepare and hand over to the Mess Manager, for distribution, the monthly schedule of entertainment events;
  3. coordinate the advertising of entertainment activities, including the appropriate dress for that function. The target dates for the purchase of tickets for guests, as established by the MC, must be included;
  4. in cooperation with the Mess supervisor, coordinate the hiring of musical groups and presentation of special shows;
  5. submit a financial statement to the MC on each function sponsored by the mess;
  6. assist members organizing receptions in the Mess (parties, dinners, cocktails, etc.);
  7. liaise with the chief cook for the preparation of menus, for functions, etc.;
  8. attend General Mess Meetings and MC meetings;
  9. prepare the annual entertainment budget; and
  10. perform all other tasks assigned by the PMC.

7. Project and furniture member. Reporting to the PMC, he or she shall perform the following duties:

  1. manage Mess assets efficiently;
  2. ensure furnishings are repaired when necessary;
  3. plan major Mess decoration and improvement projects; and
  4. perform all other tasks assigned by the PMC.

8. Associate members’ representatives. Reporting to the PMC, he or she shall perform the following duties:

  1. represent the interests of associate Mess members in dealing with the PMC;
  2. inform associate members on MC and General Meeting items of interest to them;
  3. work closely with associate members when new policies affecting them are being introduced;
  4. act as spokesperson for associate members in dealing with Mess authorities;
  5. set a date for an annual information meeting for associate members during the annual planning session;
  6. perform all other tasks assigned by the PMC;
  7. the nomination shall be conducted as follows:
    1. nominated by the Mess Cmdt on the recommendation of the MC;
    2. chosen consistently with criteria such as:
      1. availability (must be able to attend all meetings);
      2. interest and involvement in the Mess (participation to Mess activities);
      3. loyalty towards the Mess and its members;
      4. ability to contact/be in contact with associate members;
      5. familiarity with military messes;
      6. be a good listener and spokesperson for associate members; and
      7. background.
    3. Associate members shall be informed of the vacancy of this position and must be able to apply or suggest the nomination of one of the members, in writing, to the MC; and
    4. The selection process will be the same as the one for obtaining associate membership.

9. The PSP Assistant Manager. Reporting to the PSP Senior Manager for Operations and to the PMC for Member Services. Their functions are as follows:

  1. To. plan, coordinate, manage, monitor and evaluate the activities and delivery of mess activities;
  2. in collaboration with CFSJ officials, plan, coordinate, manage, monitor and evaluate bar activities and service delivery;
  3. in collaboration with CFSJ officials, enforce requirements for health, hygiene and safety standards and programs;
  4. in conjunction with CFSJ officials, ensure strict enforcement of provincial liquor laws and DND, CAF and Base/Wing/Unit policies with respect to the service of the alcohol, employee drinking restrictions and customer behavior;
  5. manage employees;
  6. manage work schedules and monitor employee performance;
  7. authorize, monitor and document financial activities/financial commitments;
  8. develop and implement a marketing strategy for mess activities;
  9. in collaboration with CFSJ officials, coordinate receptions, determine staffing needs and administer protocol issues, cutlery, table layout, seating plans, table service, table decoration, menus specials and beverage needs;
  10. in collaboration with CFSJ officials, manage all sections of the messes to meet operational requirements (bars and events);
  11. respond to member feedback and instructions from mess committees, brief members, mess committee chairpersons and responsible managers on current affairs and concerns, and recommend changes to products and services ;
  12. develop and prepare operating budgets and operational plans for bars and mess activities;
  13. authorize and track expenses for all mess activities;
  14. prepare accurate general accounting reports and operational reports in a timely manner;
  15. periodically verify activities and records;
  16. receive and respond to complaints from messes clients;
  17. ensure the establishment of financial, administrative and operational controls;
  18. monitor and control the use of mess materials and facility assets;
  19. determine and recommend the elimination of material and equipment from all sections of the messes;
  20. maintain and control NPF Distribution Accounts and Mess Public Supply Customer Accounts and submit all write-off requests for action and further direction;
  21. negotiate with suppliers and contractors to obtain supplies, equipment and other services;
  22. determining and approving bar needs and use of facilities for all mess activities; and
  23. apply NPF policies, procedures, regulations and laws.
  24. >

10. The Mess supervisor. Reporting to the deputy PSP Saint-Jean Manager regarding operations and to the PMC for services to members, their duties are as follow:

  1. provide quality service to the members and the Mess Committee;
  2. supervise the procurement of drinks and miscellaneous commodities sold at the bar, monitoring their quality and stipulated quantities, as well as ensuring the safe keeping of commodities required by the bar;
  3. in collaboration with the entertainment member and kitchen staff, draw up appropriate menus, for the various functions;
  4. distribute the schedule of Mess recreational activities, along with any correspondence, to every member of the Mess on a regular basis;
  5. ensure that expenditures for each function held in the mess are properly recorded;
  6. update Mess accounts and send to the appropriate members an invoice, when required, either for Mess dues to associate or ordinary members, as appropriate, or for any payable accounts.
  7. sign requests to purchase new furniture, consistently with payment scales established by the allocation account of the Mess;
  8. liaise with the caterer on issues related to complaint resolution or suggestion on food or service. Provide special menus vs allergies and intolerances.
  9. suggest to the caterer dishes that clients would want to be served and help with the elaboration of the menus (composition, variety, terminology, spelling);
  10. report problems or suggestions related to food services at MC meetings;
  11. Liaise with NPF accounting services;
  12. Attend General Mess and MC Meetings;
  13. Ensure a follow up on the accounts of the Mess;
  14. Comply with NPF policies, procedures, regulations, and laws.




1. Due to the numerous dress possibilities, it is impossible to describe them all. All Mess members must use common sense and good taste while ensuring that their guests’ attire is suitable for the occasion. Clothing must be clean and in good condition. Members or guests who do not abide with these dress regulations, in all circumstances will be asked to leave the Mess.

2. Relaxed dress is authorized at the Mess. Dress code is posted at the entrance, inside the Vieux Mess. For entertainment activities, dress code shall be specified in due course. Bermuda shorts, and leather sandals with heel strap are authorized from the first week of April to the last week of September.

3. During special activities or private functions, the Mess Commandant may authorize change in the dress code.

4. During special activities, non-participants will avoid disturbing the activity that takes place and be discreet especially if they do not wear the proper clothing for that event.

5. Overcoats and headgear. Overcoats and headgear shall be left in the cloakroom. The wear of these items is prohibited in the Mess.

6. Sports dress. Sports dress may be authorized by the PMC after sports activities. However, unisex tank tops and spandex are prohibited.


7. Dress is as follows::

  1. formal or evening dress:
    1. mess kit, uniform no.2, 2B;
    2. tuxedo (with miniature medals, if authorised); evening gown (with miniature medals, if authorised); or
    3. dark suit with shirt and tie; long dress/cocktail dress.
  2. Semi-formal dress:
    1. uniform no.3;
    2. two or three-piece suit with shirt and tie; appropriate dress or skirt and blouse;
    3. jacket / blouse with dress skirt or trousers; or
    4. sport’s jacket with appropriate shirt or sweater/sport’s jacket with shirt and tie or turtleneck sweater.
  3. Relaxed dress:
    1. dress of the day;
    2. clean trousers and shirt, polo shirt (collar), sports shirt (with collar), with trousers, Bermuda and ¾ pants; dress, skirt, trousers/Capri pants 3/4; and sweater/blouse/or other appropriate garment;
    3. clean jeans, without holes, are authorized.
Clothing not accepted
Clothing accepted



1. Gift allocation indicates the amounts assigned for gifts to ordinary members for various occasions. The committee must review these amounts annually and present them for a vote at the General Mess Meeting.

  1. Transfer (>12 mois) 25 $ / per yr, max of 100 $
  2. Retirement when entitled to a Depart with Dignity 175 $
  3. Birth 125 $
  4. Death 125 $

2. Welfare and hospitalization allocation. See CANFORGEN 191/06 CMP 096 211022Z Dec 06 Distribution of welfare items to hospitalized military members.

3. Ordinary members: Only ordinary members contribute to the Gift Fund, and thus only ordinary members will benefit from these allocations, unless exceptionally authorized by the Cmdt.

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