Electronic Resources
Some of the links below lead to a site belonging to an entity not subject to the Official Languages Act. Information on this site is available in the language of the site.
Content mainly or exclusively in English
Content mainly or exclusively in French
Open access resource
Extensive collections in all domains of knowledge
Multidisciplinary resource in the field of Science
Multidisciplinary resource in the field of Humanities and Social Science
Major coverage of a specific domain or distinctive property
Starting your research?
We recommend that you begin your research in general, encyclopedic resources. Here are several resources to focus on before - or to combine with - a visit to Wikipedia.
You can also explore the monographs (books) available in the library collection. For this 1st research, you should focus on recent wide-ranging works. These will allow you to position your subject in a more global context. You’ll find references to other works on your subject (by consulting the bibliographies) along with keywords and subject headings to use in a second, more precise phase of research.
For example, a book from the Very Short Introductions collection will provide an excellent introduction to a specific subject.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Academic
Britannica Academic offers quick and easy access to valuable, comprehensive information. It is an encyclopedia, a dictionary (Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary and Thesaurus) and an atlas. It also provides access to magazines and periodicals, as well as many primary sources. These are a variety of reliable, useful sources when starting an academic research.
Edumedia – Interactive Encyclopedia
EduMedia offers more than 1000 scientific and technological resources in the form of educational animations. It allows you to support the teaching of many scientific concepts more easily thanks to interactive creation and teaching tools. It is possible to approach life and earth sciences, the environment, physics, astronomy, technology, chemistry or even mathematics.
Oxford Bibliographies
Oxford Bibliographies offers faculty and students quick access to accurate and reliable annotated bibliographies on a variety of academic subjects. Written and reviewed by academic experts, each article in this database is an authoritative guide to current research, with original commentary and annotations.
Oxford Research Encyclopedia
In collaboration with international academic communities in all fields of study, the Oxford Research Encyclopedias maintains comprehensive collections of in-depth, peer-reviewed abstracts on a vast range of topics. The resource has over 15,000 articles to date.
The Map as History
The Map as History offers an extensive collection of animated historical maps. To date, it contains more than 220 maps, covering all eras - from ancient Greece to the 20th century - and it is regularly updated.
Ready to dig further?
Now that you have a better grasp of your topic, it is time to explore specialized monographs (eBooks and printed) and scientific articles (databases).
The library's print collection remains a reliable and valuable resource at this stage of your research project. Use what you’ve learned during your information literacy trainings. Use subject headings and evaluate your sources depending on your context.
The library provides eBooks in English and French to meet your needs. Here are our eBook platforms:
EBSCO eBook Collection
More than 400,000 eBooks are available on this platform, from renowned publishing houses such as Routledge and university presses such as Cambridge, Yale and Oxford.
Proquest eBook Central
This resource offers more than 70,000 titles (mostly in English), from world-renowned publishers, including several university presses.
Scholarvox International
ScholarVox International has a catalog of more than 71,000 titles from more than 500 French and international publishing houses. Titles on all the disciplines taught at university are available here, as well as numerous guides, educational books, novels, comics...
Canada Commons Government publications
Canada Commons - formerly Deslibris - is used by all kinds of libraries - academic, corporate, government, legal and public. It brings rare, hard-to-find content from Canada that’s relevant to a wide range of studies including Sociology, Anthropology, Business and Economics. No other database has such extensive coverage of Canadian materials. It provides government reports and publications, but also more than 14,000 books in published English.
Pretnumerique.ca (MS 365 connection required)
PRETNUMERIQUE.CA is a Quebec ebook platform offering novels of all kinds and documentaries. Downloaded books will be able to be read on many devices: tablets, computers, smart phones, etc. These ebooks are “time-degradable”, i.e. they are returned automatically at the end of the loan period, when downloaded to an electronic device.
Each database has its own features. Do not hesitate to check the help topics - especially the search help - that each database offers.
Statista (NEW)
Statista is a global data and business intelligence platform with an extensive collection of statistics, reports, and insights on over 80,000 topics from 22,500 sources in 170 industries.
PressReader provides interactive, digital access to nearly 7,000 of the world’s best newspapers and magazines. With the ability to perform keyword searches across all titles, and save both stories and full publications, readers are sure to find the stories they’re looking for. With access to PressReader, users can read everything from local news stories to pop culture magazines, industry reports, and national opinion pieces.
EBSCO Academic Search Ultimate
Academic Search Ultimate provides students and faculty access to an unprecedented collection of full-text peer-reviewed journals. More than 5300 journals are available in all fields of knowledge. Also available is extensive audio-visual content (videos, images, etc.)
Proquest offers a wide variety of scholarly publications (peer-reviewed or not) and magazine articles covering more than 150 subjects and disciplines. To date, more than 166,940,000 documents have been indexed in this database, of which over 45,600,000 are peer-reviewed. It contains primary and secondary sources from a wide selection of document types.
Default search is in 13 databases simultaneously. You might want to target one or two of them to better refine your results (eg SciTech Premium Collection for a science research). -
JSTOR provides access to over 12 million scientific articles, books and primary sources in 75 disciplines. The collections include renowned peer-reviewed periodicals, as well as respected literary magazines, monographs written by experts, research papers from recognized institutions and primary sources.
Eureka Current News and Newspapers
Eureka is a database of English and French language newspaper articles covering Canadian and international news. National, international, regional and local news from newspapers, dailies and magazines are available in full text. In addition, you can search other primary sources such as radio and television broadcasts, blog articles, news wires and websites. You can also access reports and publications specializing in economics, finance and environment.
Oxford Handbooks Online
Oxford Handbooks Online is a collection of articles (+23000) and books (+1000) in many different fields. This resource contains in-depth, high-level articles written by academics at the top of their field. A resource that can effectively bridge the gap between encyclopedic research and a 2nd phase of research on a precise subject.
HeinOnline Academic Law
A preferred resource for your legal research, Hein Online contains more than 30,000 titles and 100,000 volumes. It’s also the home of more than 2,700 periodicals. The database contains the Revised Statutes of Canada, the Annual Statutes, Reports of the Supreme Court of Canada and the current, historical and revised content of the Provincial Statutes of Canada. International content includes past and current constitutions of all countries of the world and international jurisprudence.
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
DOAJ is a community-run online repository of this associative organization that indexes scientific articles and offers users free access to over 15,000 high-quality peer-reviewed scientific journals - primarily in the sciences. To date it contains more than 5 million articles.
This virtual library offers an extensive collection of primary, full-text sources on Canadian history, including books, periodicals and official documents. This documentation includes prints dating from the time of the first European settlers until the middle of the 20th century.
Journal of Chemical Education
Open Edition
Open Edition is a free platform for journals in the humanities and social sciences. Founded in 1999, it now hosts more than 540 online publications, or more than 150,000 articles. You will also find more than 10,000 free access e-books there.
CAIRN is not only an encyclopedic resource and e-book platform, but it is also access to over 500 social science journals in French, as well as several popular magazines.
Repère Bibliographic
Repère is an analytical index that allows you to find information published since 1980 in French-language periodicals published in Quebec, elsewhere in Canada, in France, Belgium and Switzerland. These periodicals are general or specialized in nature and cover all areas of knowledge. To date, the resource has over 668,000 references - mostly bibliographic.
Érudit offers more than 230 scholarly and cultural journals on its platform, providing access to one of the largest corpus of French-language research documents. It contains, among other things, conference proceedings, master's theses and doctoral theses, as well as scientific articles from the French-speaking world.
Add the Persée and NRC Research Press resources to your advanced search in Érudit to broaden your search scope.
Dictionaries and reference sources
Oxford English Dictionary
Robert & Collins English-French dictionary
TERMIUM is one of the largest terminology and linguistic data banks in the world, gives you access to millions of terms in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese. You can find terms, abbreviations, definitions and usage examples in a wide range of specialized fields.
Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
Dictionnaire Le Petit Robert
Grand dictionnaire terminologique
Multidictionnaire de la langue française en ligne
Audiovisual resources
Kanopy is a video streaming platform on which you will find movies, documentaries, foreign films, classic cinema, independent films, and educational videos. It is academically oriented, offering a distinctive selection of videos in all academic subject areas, most of which are unavailable elsewhere.
NFB Education
NFB.ca is the online viewing space of the National Film Board of Canada. Over 3000 films make up the NFB's collection - animations, documentaries, experimental films, fictions and interactive works. They take a stand on global issues important to Canadians: the environment, human rights, international conflicts, the arts, and more.
The Curio.ca platform gives teachers and students streaming access to the best educational content from CBC. Here you will find TV and radio documentaries, news reports, archival documents, credits footage and more.
This is over 6,500 reports, documentaries, series and teacher's guides available on Curio and its associated channels: BBC & National Geographic.
Audio Ciné Films Recent blockbusters
Streaming platform, providing access to nearly a thousand movies in English and French.
Criterion on demand Cinema classics
Streaming platform, providing access to more than 2000 films and documentaries, in English and French.
You have questions about our electronic resources or you need help? Do not hesitate to contact us! library@cmrsj-rmcsj.ca
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