Protocol for Submitting an Application for a Certificate of Ethical Acceptability

The application for an ethics review

1. Complete the submission form as well as the information and consent form, templates of which are available by writing to the following address:

2. Submit your application for ethics review to the attention of Anne Caumartin, the dean of research, at the following address: The application must include:

  • The title of the project with a short summary of the project (approximately 250 words);
  • The submission form (in French or English);
  • The information and consent form (in English and/or French);
  • Any other documents deemed relevant (e.g., participant recruitment poster, questionnaires).

Please note that all documents for survey respondents must be submitted in both official languages.

3. The file is forwarded to the Research Ethics Board, after verification of compliance with submission requirements by the dean of research, Anne Caumartin.

4. The ethics committee meets on a monthly basis from August to May, with some exceptions, every third Tuesday of the month, to review the files submitted. Please note that files can be submitted at any time, but only those submitted to the Dean of Research before the first Tuesday of the month will be examined during the next monthly meeting of the Ethics Board.

5. The Research Ethics Board will inform the applicants of its decision as soon as possible, normally within 10 working days following the Board meeting. The Ethics Board will issue a certificate of ethical acceptability with one of the following indications: "certificate accepted," "certificate accepted with minor modifications," "certificate accepted with major modifications" or "certificate refused."

Conducting the research project at RMC Saint-Jean

Once the certificate of ethical acceptability is issued, if the researcher carries out the research at RMC Saint-Jean, he or she must contact the Project Officer at the Deanship of Research (Rosemarie Hamel), who ensure that the necessary accreditations and resources are provided to facilitate the smooth conduct of the research project.

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