Special Edition Number 4 - The Future of Quebec


Table of contents

  • Cover Page
  • Introduction
    (Robert Lummack)

    This introduction first provides a context for this special edition.

  • Manifeste du Nouveau Mouvement pour le Québec
    (Jocelyn Desjardins)

    This text revisits a manifesto published by le Nouveau Mouvement pour le Québec published in 2011 with a preface that situates its objective and its place in the history of the sovereigntist movement.
    (French only)

  • La droite peut contribuer au débat sur l’environnement
    (André Valiquette, Parti conservateur du Québec)

    This text attempts to show the relevance of a human-centered approach for the future of Quebec. The author insists on the need for coherence, rational use of resources and a truly liberal approach for the economy.
    (French only)

  • L’aveuglement volontaire des résignés
    (Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, chef du Parti Québécois)

    In this text the author tries to show that federalism leads to failure and that it is necessary for Quebec to have the courage to assume full powers in the future.
    (French only)

  • La CAQ sur le respirateur artificiel : la pandémie fragilise la domination caquiste
    (Guillaume Imbeault, Université de Montréal)

    In this text, the author shows how the Coalition Avenir Québec effectively undercut other political formations in Quebec by reformulating the autonomism inherited from the Duplessis era. However, the 2022 election could show the limits of this strategy, notably due to the emergence of the Conservative Party of Quebec.
    (French only)

  • Le Saint-Laurent au cœur de la nation
    (Marc Imbeault, Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean)

    Around the symbolic notion of the nation and the geographical reality of the St. Lawrence River, different perspectives on the political future of Quebec are analyzed taking into account the philosophical concepts of determinism and freedom.
    (French only)

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