Reviews have been provided by external sources. The Government of Canada and Royal Military College Saint-Jean are not responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of the information supplied by external sources. Users wishing to rely upon this information should consult directly with the source of the information. Content provided by external sources is not subject to official languages, privacy and accessibility requirements.
Le Canada au 29e championnat militaire d’échecs de l’OTAN (French only)
Sixty-five players from ten countries participated this year in the seven-round NATO Military Chess Championship in the city of Lubbock, Texas. After a fierce fight, the Polish players took the honours of the tournament with a total of 19½ points. They outshot the German players by half a point. The Canadian team finished ninth with 8½ points. Given the high level of competition, they can be proud of their participation.
Des Rosiers, le plus grand poète de sa génération ! (French only)
Compte rendu de lecture de Lettres à l’Indigène de Joël Des Rosiers (Tryptique, 2009), Arol Pinder, critique littéraire
Workshop on Ethics and Integrity in the Profession of Arms (French only)
This report will summarize the results of two separate but related components of a DMTC initiative in Georgia which occurred in October 2015. The first is the Ethics, Integrity and the Military Profession Workshop, August 24-August 30 2015, and the second a presentation by Dr Marc Imbeault at Davit Agmashenebeli National Defence Academy of Georgia in Gori.
Compte rendu : Semaine internationale ROKAFA (French only)
This report presents an overview of the 2015 Republic of Korea Air Force Academy (ROKAFA) International Week. This was the 6th annual edition of this event and it was held between October 27th and 31st in the Republic of South Korea. This report will first present the event itself and then propose some recommendations and lessons learned that are applicable to next year’s event.
Ethical Dilemmas in Peacekeeping Operations
This report will summarize the results of two separate but related activities of a DMTC initiative in Brazil which occurred in August 2015. The first component was a fact finding mission involving a Canadian expert team visit to Brazilian Military Academies which occurred between 12 August and 22 August. The second is the "Ethical Dilemmas in Peacekeeping Operations" Symposium, August 24-August 30 2015. Each activity will be discussed in detail sequentially.
Ethics and Integrity and Child Soldiers Workshop
This report summarize the academic nature of a workshop on ethics and integrity held in Amman, Jordan, from the perspective three professors from RMC Saint-Jean.
Mission de formation en éthique militaire - Ateliers et colloques au Sénégal
This workshop and the symposiums were conducted in French. An eight-day workshop – on the theme of ethics and the profession of arms was complemented by one-day symposiums held at three military academies.
Rencontre sur l'enseignement privé (French only)
The Institution that we are lucky enough to be attached to, the Royal Military College St. Jean, is more or less a “private school”. At least, this is what I thought when, on my own, at the beginning of the month of March, I registered for a full week of information on the subject. And I was not disappointed; I perceived more than one resemblance between our College and the whole system of Private schooling. I hope you enjoy reading.
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