Short Opinions
Short opinions have been provided by external sources. The Government of Canada and Royal Military College Saint-Jean are not responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of the information supplied by external sources. Users wishing to rely upon this information should consult directly with the source of the information. Content provided by external sources is not subject to official languages, privacy and accessibility requirements.
Esquisse d’une philosophie de la formation militaire au Canada (French only)
(Marc Imbeault)
This text concisely presents the first elements of a possible philosophy of military education in Canada. It is not a dogma, but the basic elements of a reflection based on several years of teaching and working in the Department of National Defence.
Truth, Duty and Valour
(Philippe-Michel Labrecque-Saucier)
Reflection on leadership and the meaning of the rank: a rank is just an insignia put on a chest; the real leaders are the ones who gain the respect of their subordinates and the trust of their superiors.
L'éducation que nous offrons (French only)
(Florent Tremblay)
What kind of education does C.M.R. St.Jean offer to our future officers?
As far as classroom learning is concerned, our professors do an exceptional job.
If we consider the other pillars of our system: bilingualism, leadership and sports, our instructors and our students, year after year, reach their goals.
But if we talk ethics : sex, drugs, alcohol, nobody is really in charge. Who should do the job?
Le mot pédagogie (French only)
(Florent Tremblay)
Being in front of a class and having in mind the pedagogical objective of transmitting some information, on a given subject, with the desire to inform, and to form, and to produce success: such should be the aim of any good teacher.
Partir du bon pied au Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean (French only)
(Florent Tremblay)
At the beginning of August, for the 34th time in my career, I witnessed with keen interest the apprehensive arrival of our new officer cadets. I saw them leave behind their civilian state to adopt and adapt to the tones of khaki and green. And I thought...
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