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Du commandement : approche philosophique
(French only)
(Marc Imbeault and Michel Maisonneuve)
This article is the first part of a Canadian study of command, initially based on philosophical notions of hierarchy, power, willingness and cohesion. The concept is then interpreted in the context of the professional military ethics and in the light of Canadian Department of National Defence Statement of Ethics. Finally, the authors examine the notion of authority based on H.-G. Gadamer's concept of recognition.
Nobles Ends: Torture and the Ethics of Counter-Terrorism
(Marc Imbeault)
Published in The War on Terror – Ethical Considerations, Daniel Lagacé-Roy and Bernd Horn editors, Canadian Defence Academy Press, Winnipeg, 2008, pp. 97-106.
QUEBEC, 1759: Who's Missing from the Script?
Text of a speech by Desmond Morton to the opening session of Cultural Heritage Week at the Royal Military College Saint-Jean on 28 March 2011.
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