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Post-Modernity Military Virtues
(Igor Sidhartha Boëchat)

Military values have been handed down from generation to generation, in schools and military units, over the centuries, since classical antiquity. In contemporary times, with the phenomenon of postmodernity, the values of Western culture, particularly of the military, have been questioned. The text seeks to speculate whether such values are still valid and if they are, what must be done to preserve them.

Le « paradoxe politique » aujourd’hui
(French only)
(Marc Imbeault)

This text deals with the goal of political action, which is peace and the means which it uses, i.e., violence. This paradox has marked political history since its origins and is at the source of the thinking of philosophers Julien Freund and Paul Ricoeur. This article is a commentary and actualization of their work in the light of the contemporary situation.

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