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La bombe nucléaire, d’où vient-elle?
(French only)
(Officer Cadet William Carle)
In this essay, the author uses the example of the atomic bomb to consider the consequences of the use of technology by the major powers to achieve superiority, often at the expense of civilians.
La révolution toujours présente ?
(French only)
(Officer Cadet Marc-Antoine Petit)
In this essay, the author draws from the example of the French Revolution to reflect upon the discontent of the masses with the corruption of the powerful, and specifically, as this was manifest in the uprisings in Quebec in 2012-2013.
Les fusillés de la Grande Guerre : la question de la réhabilitation
(French only)
(Officer Cadet Jessie Tremblay)
In this essay, the author questions the relevance of rehabilitating soldiers who were executed "by example" by their own side, drawing from instances within the French and Canadian armies during the Great War.
From France to New France, XVIth – XVIIth centuries: The Story of a Passion
(French only)
(Catherine Marin, Institut Catholique de Paris)
Conference presented at the Canadian Embassy in Paris on the occasion of the visist of a delegation from Royal Military College Saint-Jean (February 2013).
As requested, I hope, in this presentation, to satisfy the request to deal with the foundation of New France from a perspective focusing primarily on the French background: political, as well as demographical, economical and religious. My paper will be divided in two parts.
First, I will describe the XVIth century background and the various approaches (political, economical and cultural) to this "new world", that French cartographers of Saint-Dié, in Lorraine, France, named America in 1507.
In a second part entitled "New France, a political and religious ideal," I will highlight the role of men and women who embarked for Nouvelle France, but also of those who supported the foundation of the colony while staying in France, and stress the importance of the religious ideal which underlies this edification.
L'influence des cultures chez Aki Shimazaki
(French only)
(Officer Cadet Marie-Claire Pharand)
Text presented at the Colloque des étudiants d'études françaises des collèges militaires royaux, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Wednesday February 6th 2013.
Hubert Aquin : entre révolution et démocratie ?
(French only)
(Officer Cadet Brière)
Text presented at the Colloque des étudiants d'Études françaises des Collèges militaires royaux, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Wednesday, February 6th 2013.
Y a-t-il une vision stratégique commune au monde occidental ?
(French only)
We publish below a revised version of the speech delivered to the French Senate by Rear admiral Jean Dufourcq on April, 17th, 2012, in the framework of a discussion organised by the Démocraties association on the current status of the occidental strategic thinking. For Rear admiral Dufourcq, the question « Où en est la pensée occidentale? » is a very important one in the context of globalisation, scarcity or resources and financialisation of the economy. In this new context the occidental model of defense and development inherited from cold war has to be rethought in order to adapt. In the same time when more and more countries claim to adhere to this model (from France to India and Turkey or Mexico, to mention a few), there historic roots are not easy to overcome and determine their comportment. You have to choose between too few or too many.
As for him, Dufourcq doesn't renounce the idea of a vast European pole of a billion of persons or so, able to play a role in a 9 billion global community while being somewhat tied by history, geography and common interests (contrary to larger and more heterogeneous ensembles like NATO or OECD). But he doesn't think that it can be assembled in such a rigid structure as the current EU. He therefore proposes to build a kind of “variable speed” Europe with somewhat loose general rules, and inside it, cores of more tight cooperation between, for example, Mediterranean countries or the French-German pair (what he calls Rhenish-Carolingian core). And, of course, France would be especially well positioned to benefit of several of these restricted associations…
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