Policy on Academic Freedom
- 1. Preamble
- 2. Definitions
- 3. Normative Framework
- 4. Objective
- 5. Scope
- 6. Academic Freedom Framework
- 7. Person Responsible for Academic Freedom
- 8. Standing Committee on Academic Freedom
- 9. Process for Filing and Handling Complaints
- 10. Awareness and Information Measures
- 11. Accountability
- 12. Adoption
- 13. Dissemination
- 14. Revision
- 15. In Force
- Appendix 1: Recommendation Concerning the Osside Institute
1. Preamble
Royal Military College Saint-Jean (hereafter RMC Saint-Jean or the College) is a military university with the mission to develop bilingual leaders imbued with exemplary values who can serve Canada with distinction. The institution simultaneously offers military and academic training at the pre-university and university levels. University education holds an important place in all training provided to naval cadets, officer cadets and non-commissioned members enrolled in a university degree program. RMC Saint-Jean meets the needs of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) in an active and dynamic way by counting on the expertise of qualified core faculty to accomplish its mission.
As a CAF institution, RMC Saint-Jean falls under federal jurisdiction. The College was granted its university charter in 1985. Recently, Quebec’s National Assembly again recognized the College’s university status with the adoption of Bill 93, An Act to recognize the Royal Military College Saint-Jean as an educational institution at the university level, which came into force on June 9, 2021. The recognition of RMC Saint-Jean as a university is therefore the result of good-faith collaboration between the federal and provincial levels of governments.
RMC Saint-Jean’s Policy on Academic Freedom (hereafter the Policy) fits into the framework of this cooperation, which allows common goals to be met consisting of promoting academic freedom in a university setting further to the adoption of An Act respecting academic freedom in the university sector (CQLR, c P-32), entered into force on June 7, 2022. Through this policy, RMC Saint-Jean expresses its commitment to academic freedom based on exercising it responsibly and rigorously. Its promotion in the context of this policy will contribute to mitigating risks associated with the exercise of academic freedom and developing professionalism in the RMC Saint-Jean community. This policy will also contribute to the development of critical thinking, a culture of debate and intellectual curiosity, all of which are useful to the CAF and the military ethos.
This Policy is the result of broad consultations conducted at RMC Saint-Jean in 2022–2023, following reflections and discussions on the Graduate Studies and Research Committee (GSRC), an organization attached to the Faculty Council, in order to meet the requirements set out in the Act. Further consultations were conducted by professors Simon Hogue and Mulry Mondélice, alone or jointly on behalf of the Office of the Dean of Research, with the Academic Director, the acting Deans of Studies and Research, former Deans and a former Dean of Research, the Director of Pre-University Programs of RMC Saint-Jean, departmental heads, professors, an ED-EDS union representative and a UT union representative, as well as the Faculty and Pedagogical Assembly (FPA) Committee. Furthermore, a roundtable was organized on May 16, 2023, in the context of the work of the military and strategic history research group of the Centre for security and crisis governance (CRITIC). On May 23, 2023, consultations were also held with the Faculty and Pedagogical Assembly (FPA) to improve the draft policy communicated to the members of the FPA. The resolution adopted by the latter on the scope of the policy was integrated into the draft policy presented to the Faculty Council, then to the Senate. RMC Saint-Jean also consulted other members of the university community. Concerning this policy’s legal compliance with federal law, RMC Saint-Jean also consulted the Office of the Judge Advocate General (JAG) and the Office of the Department of National Defence and Canadian Forces Legal Advisor (DND/CF LA).
This policy is also inspired by other academic freedom policies in Quebec universities. Thus, it draws on the University of Montreal’s Politique sur les libertés universitaires and the University of Quebec at Rimouski’s Politique sur la liberté académique.
The result of these consultations was, first, that RMC Saint-Jean sees the adoption of an academic freedom policy as an opportunity to promote critical thinking in its student community, an objective of the Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP). Next, it consolidates advances for the UT category teaching personnel, the only personnel that already benefited from academic freedom under article 5 of the Agreement between the Treasury Board and the Canadian Military Colleges Faculty Association. The Policy also promotes academic freedom at the university beyond the UT classification when a person is contributing to the achievement of the College’s university mission, in the context of teaching, research or service activities. Finally, the Policy values the role of teaching personnel and university teaching, as a vehicle that leads to openness to criticism, reflection, alterity, and diversity, as part of the culture change in progress in the CAF and Department of National Defence.
This policy, based as much as possible on the spirit of An Act respecting academic freedom in the university sector, and by adapting it to the context of RMC Saint-Jean, strengthens ties between this institution and its host community, in particular Quebec’s ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, and contributes to strengthening the College as a vibrant university institution within the Quebec university landscape, in particular in cooperation with the Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire.
2. Definitions
For the purposes of this policy:
University activities: means all teaching activities traditionally protected by academic freedom; that is, university, pre-university and higher education, research conducted and services provided in the pursuit of RMC Saint-Jean’s university mission. In terms of teaching, consistent with having the status of a university-level institution recognized by Quebec, the objectives and specificities of training at RMC Saint-Jean, the policy makes no distinction between the pre-university and university levels of teaching.
University autonomy: means the Academic Wing’s jurisdiction to manage its university programs and the hiring of its teaching personnel through governing bodies and collegiality, and on delegation, a budget, in collaboration with the Comptroller’s Office and RMC Saint-Jean’s Operations Officer, while respecting federal public service accountability requirements. This definition is without prejudice to the Department of National Defence’s discretion with respect to the relevance of such programs, in particular for the training of naval cadets and officer cadets.
University community: means all members working to accomplish the university mission, including permanent teaching personnel (UT and ED-EDS), contract instructors, military faculty, officer cadets and naval cadets, administrative personnel, management personnel, military personnel who are members of the Academic Wing, associate research personnel and any person contributing to RMC Saint-Jean’s university mission.
Royal Military College Saint-Jean (RMC Saint-Jean): means the Royal Military College Saint-Jean University, as recognized by Quebec’s National Assembly, and for which the Academic Wing constitutes the centre of gravity in terms of academics, with the exception of the Chief Warrant Officer Robert Osside Profession of Arms Institute (Osside Institute).
University space: means the physical or virtual (videoconference) locations where educational activities take place for the purpose of accomplishing the university’s mission, which include but are not limited to the following: the campus, classrooms, virtual courses, research-dissemination activities (e.g. conferences, symposia, etc.), the public sphere (e.g. media), including the digital public sphere (e.g. blogs, website) and social media through which an online teaching activity or research centre of RMC Saint-Jean contributes to the dissemination of knowledge.
University academic freedom: or academic freedom, is defined by the Act as, “the right of every person to engage freely and without doctrinal, ideological or moral constraint such as institutional censorship, in an activity through which the person contributes to carrying out the mission of an educational institution.
The right includes the person’s freedom
(1) to teach and discuss;
(2) to research, create and publish;
(3) to express their opinion about society and about an institution, including their respective institution, and about any doctrine, dogma or opinion; and
(4) to freely take part in the activities of professional organizations or academic organizations.
It must be exercised in accordance with the standards of ethics and of scientific rigour generally recognized by the university sector and taking into account the rights of the other members of the university community.” (section 3 of the Act).
Person responsible for university academic freedom: means a person targeted by section 7, responsible for implementing this policy.
3. Normative Framework
Federal laws, standards and policies:
- Constitution Act, 1982, being Schedule B to the Canada Act 1982 (U.K.), 1982, c. 11.
- Constitution Act, 1867, 30 & 31 Victoria, c. 3 (U.K.).
- National Defence Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. N-5).
- The Queen’s Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Military Colleges (QR Canmilcols), Volume I and Volume IV – Appendix 6.1.
- Agreement between the Treasury Board and the Canadian Military Colleges Faculty Association, June 30, 2022.
- Agreement between the Treasury Board and Public Service Alliance of Canada, Group: Education and Library Science, June 30, 2021.
- DND/CAF Science Integrity Policy, 2019.
- Royal Military College Saint-Jean Policy on Integrity in Research, March 15, 2022.
Quebec legislation inspiring cooperation between the federal government and the Quebec government:
- Act respecting the Collège militaire Royal de Saint-Jean (c. 68).
- An Act to recognize the Royal Military College Saint-Jean as an educational institution at the university level (c. 20).
- Act respecting academic freedom in the university sector (c. 21).
- Act respecting educational institutions at the university level (c. E-14.1).
4. Objective
The objective of the Policy on Academic Freedom is to recognize, protect and promote the academic freedom necessary to accomplish, without doctrinal, ideological or moral constraint, the mission of university education, excellence and the contribution of RMC Saint-Jean to Canadian society as a university recognized in Quebec. This mission includes producing and disseminating knowledge through research, creation and teaching activities, as well as providing services to the community.
5. Scope
5.1. Scope
The Policy is established in the unique context of RMC Saint-Jean as a university-level educational institution of the Government of Canada recognized by the Government of Quebec.
The Policy protects the exercise of academic freedom in the university space for all of the university community pursuing university activities, namely teaching, research and community service participating in the university’s mission. Considering the situation of the university community of RMC Saint-Jean, the level of academic freedom from which each member benefits depends on the scope of their responsibilities with respect to teaching, research and service in accordance with the collective agreements or contracts governing their employment, and their civilian or military status.
This policy applies to UT professors, without prejudice to the recourse options they have under their collective agreement, which makes academic freedom a condition of employment that it protects (article 5).
UTs carrying out the duties of dean benefit from academic freedom, while respecting the responsibilities surrounding their duties within Academic Wing management. The same applies for department or program directors.
Academic freedom of other members of the university community is exercised within the conditions set out in sections 5.2 to 5.5 of the Policy.
The Policy does not apply to the Osside Institute, nor to the teaching activities provided at the Osside Institute, subject to activities conducted on the invitation of a person who otherwise benefits from academic freedom.
However, the Policy includes the permanent personnel of the Department of Professional Military Education (DPME) in the pursuit of university activities, such as higher education, research activities and their services to the community, while respecting labour and conference contracts with departmental heads, the Office of the Academic Dean or the Office of the Dean of Research.
5.2. Academic freedom in teaching
Considering the particularities of the context of RMC Saint-Jean and its ties in particular between pre-university and university courses, all teaching personnel and all persons working in a credited course in the context of a higher education program within the Academic Wing benefit from academic freedom.
Teachers have the right to freely express their views on the matter being taught, and may use or refer to documents and analyses produced by a third party without doctrinal, ideological or moral constraint.
5.3. Academic freedom in research
The members of the university community whose work requires the conduct of research work, in accordance with their position’s job description, benefit from academic freedom in the context of their research activities, in accordance with their collective agreement.
The other members of the university community whose work does not include research benefit from academic freedom when they carry out peer-reviewed research activities for publications or for the Academic Wing leadership, whether within or in the context of a research centre inside or outside of RMC Saint-Jean, or in concert with their departmental heads or the Office of the Dean of Research at RMC Saint-Jean.
In terms of research, in the conditions set out by either their collective agreement or this policy, the members of the university community who carry out research activities in accordance with a requirement associated with their position and those who carry them out on a voluntary basis have the right to develop projects in their specialty and publish the results of their research, without censure by the institution, its agents or anyone else.
All research activities are carried out in accordance with section 6.1.
5.4. Academic freedom in service
Members of the university community participating in committees or any other service function contributing to achieving the university’s teaching and research mission within RMC Saint-Jean benefit from academic freedom. This freedom is exercised individually or collegially, including in the context of recommendations to governance and management bodies.
Members of teaching personnel benefit from academic freedom in the context of services to the community outside of RMC Saint-Jean on the basis of their expertise, including participation in professional associations and organizations.
Any CAF member or any other person participating in the university’s mission in administration or governing bodies within the Academic Wing benefit from the academic freedom necessary to properly accomplish their duties.
5.5. Academic freedom of members of the Canadian Armed Forces
Military teaching personnel, officer cadets or naval cadets and non-commissioned officers are subject to the rules set out in the Queen’s Regulations and Orders (QR&O), in particular the provisions that limit their freedom of expression.
Notwithstanding the previous paragraph, the professionalism attached to standards of ethics and scientific rigour at the core of the recognition of the right to university academic freedom, as well as risk mitigation mechanisms of the CAF, allow for the recognition and promotion of academic freedom for a CAF member engaged in professorial activities.
Any CAF member teaching in a university program benefits from academic freedom.
Regarding research, a CAF member benefits from academic freedom when they carry out research activities individually or collectively, whether within or in the context of a research centre inside or outside of RMC Saint-Jean, or in concert with their departmental heads or the Office of the Dean of Research at RMC Saint-Jean.
This freedom is exercised in individual responsibility and good-faith cooperation with the military chain of command. In this regard, CAF members who author publications judge the relevance or not of identifying themselves as either a CAF member, a professor or both. A CAF member may also indicate, at the beginning of a conference or any other communication, their status as a professor and the university character or academic context of the research activity in question, in particular when the theme discussed presents issues with respect to the CAF member’s obligations as a CAF member.
In terms of service, teaching CAF members benefit from academic freedom inside and outside of RMC Saint-Jean. This freedom is exercised in the same conditions as the previous paragraph and in collaboration with the Public Affairs Officer of RMC Saint-Jean, in particular regarding whether or not to wear the uniform.
Any naval cadet, officer cadet or non-commissioned member benefits from the freedom to learn and free expression in the context of exercising academic freedom in any activity carried out in the context of university education. These people benefit from an educational environment that is conducive to learning, in particular the development of critical thinking. They are protected in the context of these activities, including speaking in person and virtually, executing their research project or university assignments, and participating in knowledge dissemination events or other activities that are part of their learning, while interacting with teaching personnel that benefit from academic freedom who are supervising these activities.
6. Academic Freedom Framework
6.1. Responsabilities
Academic freedom is exercised while respecting ethical and professional responsibilities to which members of the university community are subject. “University academic freedom” is distinct from “freedom of expression.” The first refers to the communication of knowledge that stems from the area of expertise, based on investigations and respecting ethical standards and scientific rigour, while the second refers to the realm of opinion.
In terms of teaching, in some circumstances, the teacher is expected to cover topics according to the calendar description, to remain up to date in the knowledge of the discipline, treat students fairly and ethically, and teach effectively, which includes using fair, reasoned and fact-based arguments and showing a willingness to accommodate the expression of differing points of view.
In the context of pre-university courses and programs, this freedom is exercised while respecting framework plans approved, as applicable, by RMC Saint-Jean.
Academic freedom with respect to research is exercised while respecting an honest search for knowledge, production and dissemination of knowledge and of the RMC Saint-Jean Policy on Integrity in Research. The community members carrying out research in accordance with a requirement linked to their position or on a voluntary basis base their conclusions on a critical review of the available evidence and on a reasoned analysis of the interpretation made of it. Researchers are responsible for honestly and accurately reporting the results of their research, while appropriately acknowledging the contributions of other people on whose work they are reporting.
RMC Saint-Jean’s special mission does not diminish academic freedom in research and service to the community. Nevertheless, the College’s special mission could expose it to harm resulting from misunderstandings caused by a public debate or a publication on a subject that directly concerns this mission. This risk imposes on members of the university community participating in such a debate or such a publication the responsibility to be clearer than they would need to be if they were not addressing issues closely linked to the mission.
To mitigate this risk, the members of the university community are encouraged to inform Academic Wing leadership in advance of the possibility of any public debate or any publication that, in their eyes, is closely linked to the College’s special mission or the security of Canada. Members are not obligated to do so.
6.2. Limits
Academic freedom is exercised within the limits imposed by Canadian legislation and certain policies in effect in the federal public service concerning free expression.
RMC Saint-Jean reserves the right to restrict free expression that violates Canadian legislations or causes RMC Saint-Jean to violate the law, collective agreements or Canada’s Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector, as well as the DND and CAF values and ethics code. In this regard, any defamatory, discriminatory, racist or hateful statements, any threats or harassment, any unjustified breach of privacy or confidentiality cannot be protected in the name of academic freedom.
In terms of services outside of RMC Saint-Jean, no one must allow there to be any doubt about whether they are expressing themselves in their professional capacity or as a private citizen, especially since they must not claim to speak on behalf of the College unless they have been authorized to do so.
7. Person Responsible for Academic Freedom
The Dean of Research or any other vice rector of research at RMC Saint-Jean is the person responsible for academic freedom.
The person responsible for academic freedom is the primary resource person at RMC Saint-Jean for the promotion, dissemination and implementation of this Policy, in collaboration with the Committee described in section 8. For this purpose, the person responsible for academic freedom may delegate certain responsibilities to the associate dean of research, with the exception of following up on recommendations related to complaints and accountability to the Minister responsible for the application of the Act. This person:
- Is aware of this Policy and the roles and responsibilities set out in it;
- Ensures the implementation of the Policy in collaboration with the Committee on Academic Freedom set out in section 8;
- Monitors academic freedom issues, implements awareness and information, as well as academic freedom promotion measures in the university community, in particular through pedagogical tools such as training for teaching personnel, the student community, management personnel and members of leadership, in accordance with section 10;
- Mobilizes the expertise of the pedagogical expertise cell or mobilizes external resources, as required, to provide services in terms of raising awareness, information and training on academic freedom;
- Follows up on corrective measures and other recommendations from the Committee on Academic Freedom;
- Submits an annual report to the minister responsible for the application of the Act;
- Responds favourably to invitations to attend meetings of the Senate regarding academic freedom;
- Carries out any other tasks at the request of the Committee.
8. Standing Committee on Academic Freedom<
8.1. Constitution and terms of reference
The Standing Committee on Academic Freedom is constituted, reporting to the RMC Saint-Jean Senate.
The Committee’s primary duties are to monitor the implementation of the Policy, review complaints related to university academic freedom and, as required, formulate recommendations concerning these complaints or on any other issue regarding university academic freedom. For this purpose, the Committee:
- Ensures the implementation of the Policy in collaboration with the person responsible for academic freedom in section 7;
- Promotes measures to strengthen academic freedom within the Academic Wing, in order to prevent procedures for processing travel requests and other financial requests from having the effect of diminishing the academic freedom of teaching personnel and to provide each professor with the conditions required for them to accomplish their university activities in terms of teaching, research and service, while respecting the requirements of their position;
- Reviews the Policy in accordance with section 14 in consultation with RMC Saint-Jean governing bodies;
- Makes recommendations to the person responsible for academic freedom and to the appropriate persons and bodies of RMC Saint-Jean concerning promotion, information and awareness on academic freedom at RMC Saint-Jean, and participates, as much as possible, in these activities, in accordance with section 10;
- In collaboration with the person responsible for academic freedom, departmental heads and the office of the dean of studies, ensures that all persons responsible for courses (contractors) are informed, in particular on arrival, of their right to academic freedom, as well as the rights and responsibilities surrounding their conduct with respect to this policy;
- Ensures the continuity of academic freedom awareness and training activities;
- Makes the university community aware of the procedure for academic freedom-related complaints;
- Receives reports of infringements on academic freedom and other related concerns;
- Reviews reports of infringements and complaints regarding academic freedom and designates two members of the subcommittee responsible for admissibility review in accordance with sections 9.1 to 9.4 of the Policy;
- In collaboration with the person responsible for academic freedom, follows up on the implementation of its recommendations to the parties or the Senate;
- Supports the person responsible for academic freedom in any other task brought to their attention;
- Examines any request from the Senate regarding academic freedom;
- Recommends to the Senate the adoption of the report to be submitted by the person responsible for academic freedom to the minister responsible for applying the Act.
8.2. Composition
The Standing Committee on Academic Freedom represents a diverse set of actors in the university community who contribute to its mission. It is composed of seven (7) to eleven (11) members, made up of ex-officio members and members elected or appointed by rotation. Since academic freedom concerns all tasks of UTs, the composition of the Committee places particular importance on representation, within the Committee, by at least two UT members elected by their peers.
At minimum, three ex-officio members from among the following:
- Rector or academic director or their representative;
- Dean of studies or their representative;
- The Associate Dean of Research, mandatory.
At minimum, four members elected for three years, except for the student member, whose mandate is for one year.
- At minimum, two (2) members (UT) of the faculty, elected by the FPA to the Senate or by a departmental assembly, mandatory;
- At minimum, one member of ED-EDS teaching personnel elected by the FPA to the Senate or by a departmental assembly, mandatory;
- At maximum, two naval cadets or officer cadets (one undergraduate student, one graduate student), in particular the SCOLA sitting on the Senate or a designated officer cadet or naval cadet, mandatory;Footnote 1;
- One person representing the UT professors’ union;
- One person representing the diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) group or committee, mandatory;
- One person representing the pedagogical or library expertise cell, by rotation for a three-year mandate.
The Registrar of RMC Saint-Jean performs the duties of Committee Secretary, with no voting rights.
Unless otherwise indicated concerning the ex-officio, appointed or rotation members, the members sitting on the Committee are elected for a three-year mandate, with the possibility of one renewal.
The Committee may invite any person it deems useful in the context of its work, because of the complexity of the issue to be addressed, or the expertise, qualifications and experience of this person.
8.3. Operating rules
The Committee meets at least once per academic semester.
On request from either the person responsible for academic freedom, half of the Committee members or the Senate, the Committee holds an extraordinary meeting to address issues that come before it on the basis of the Policy, including specific cases of infringements of academic freedom.
The Committee chooses its Chair. In case of absence, the Associate Dean of Research chairs the Committee.
The Committee may invite any other person whose expertise may contribute to accomplishing its mission set out in section 8, including the Dean of Research.
The Committee’s decisions are made by consensus. When consensus cannot be reached, decisions are made by a simple majority vote. In case of a tie, the person chairing the Committee casts the deciding vote.
When a person who is a Committee member is the complainant or respondent in the context of a complaint, they do not participate in the proceedings dealing with this complaint, other than to exercise their rights as complainant or respondent.
External members may express opinions, but may not vote.
Quorum consists of half of the Committee members plus one.
The Committee may establish any rules of procedure for its own operation.
9. Process for Filing and Handling Complaints
Notwithstanding the recourse that members of the university community may exercise with RMC Saint-Jean, in particular grievance and arbitration processes in the context of collective agreements, the Committee reviews admissibility and handles reports and complaints related to academic freedom based on the following procedure, while respecting the confidentiality and privacy of the personal information obtained, unless this confidentiality and privacy are waived.
The Standing Committee on Academic Freedom may play a facilitation role between the parties.
9.1. Filing
Any member of the university community who believes that their academic freedom has been violated may report an infringement or file a complaint with the person responsible for academic freedom within six months of the occurrence of the facts considered to be an infringement on academic freedom.
The Chair of a Committee acting in the context of collegial service may report an infringement or file a complaint on behalf of the Committee with the person responsible for academic freedom.
A formal complaint includes the family name(s), given name(s) and email of the complainant, a description and the date(s) of the alleged acts or omissions and, as applicable, any documentary evidence.
The person responsible for academic freedom forwards the complaint to the Committee within five working days of receiving it.
9.2. Admissibility
A subcommittee made up of the person responsible for academic freedom and two other Committee members appointed by the person responsible for academic freedom for this purpose review the admissibility of the complaint within 30 working days following receipt of the complaint.
The Committee declares complaints eligible if they:
- Respect the conditions of form indicated in this section and
- Are linked to a teaching, research or service activity contributing to the achievement of RMC Saint-Jean’s mission, in accordance with section 5.1 of this Policy
The Committee may forward a complaint to a competent authority or body or suspend a complaint when the alleged acts or omissions fall within the limits set out in section 6.2 or are already subject to another recourse under the law, a collective agreement or another RMC Saint-Jean policy.
The inadmissibility decision is communicated in writing to the parties within 10 days of the Committee’s decision.
As much as possible, the Committee on Academic Freedom will seek an informal resolution between the parties when the complaint is deemed to be admissible. For this purpose, it may invite any person who is a member of the RMC Saint-Jean university community who may be useful in reviewing the complaint or may request an external opinion from a subject matter expert.
9.3. Complaint review process
When the Committee declares a complaint to be admissible, it reviews whether the complaint is founded under sections 5.1 to 6.1 of this Policy.
In handling the complaint, the Committee hears the parties, who may be accompanied by one person of their choice. They may also invite any member of the RMC Saint-Jean university community who would be useful in reviewing the complaint or request an external opinion from a subject matter expert.
After reviewing the evidence, the Committee deliberates in camera.
The Committee Secretary communicates the decision in writing to the parties involved within 40 days of receipt of the admissibility subcommittee’s report, in accordance with section 9.2.
9.4. Decisions and recommendations in the event of an infringement of academic freedom
When the Committee finds that academic freedom was violated and the facilitation provided by the Committee does not lead to informal resolution, it recommends any measure it deems appropriate to correct the situation.
The Committee’s recommendations may include but are not limited to an action plan including measures in various steps to end the infringement of academic freedom and prevent such an infringement from happening in the future.
These measures as established must be proportional to the infringement found and take into consideration the increased severity of measures in the event another infringement occurs.
The Committee, in collaboration with the person responsible for academic freedom, identifies the appropriate person or authority within RMC Saint-Jean under the normative framework or the labour relations framework to ensure that its recommendations are implemented.
The Committee’s decisions and recommendations concerning information and raising awareness are implemented by the person responsible for academic freedom, in collaboration with the Committee.
9.5. Appeal procedure
The parties may appeal in writing against a decision rendered by the Committee before the Faculty Council as delegated by the Senate, depending on the case, through the Registrar, within 40 days of the Committee’s decision.
The appeal explains the reasons why the decision is allegedly unfounded.
The Faculty Council renders its decision within 30 days following receipt of the appeal request. The Faculty Council hears the parties.
When the respondent is a member of the Faculty Council, the respondent does not vote.
When an infringement results from an act or omission of the Faculty Council, the appeal is heard before the Senate, which establishes an ad hoc committee to hear the appeal, within the above-mentioned time frames and conditions, within the appeal process.
10. Awareness and Information Measures
The Committee ensures that awareness and information measures are implemented in the university community. The Committee ensures that this Policy is disseminated and encourages conferences, discussions, orientation days and even personnel training intended to improve the recognition and protection of university academic freedom.
The Committee ensures that pedagogical tools and resources are put in place to promote respect for university academic freedom.
The Committee and the person responsible for academic freedom act as consultants to the community for the application of this Policy, with the support of the Office of the Registrar and the Faculty Council.
11. Accountability
In accordance with the Act, the person responsible for this policy must report annually to the Minister, at the time and in the manner determined by the Minister, on the implementation of the Policy. The report must set out, among other things,
- the number of complaints processed and the time frame in which they were processed;
- the measures applied, if any; and
- any other information requested by the Minister concerning the implementation of the Act.
12. Adoption
This version of the Policy was recommended by the Graduate Studies and Research Committee to the Faculty Council, which adopted it on May 25, 2023; it was then adopted by the Senate of RMC Saint-Jean on May 31, 2023.
13. Dissemination
The Policy is issued in all departments and services of RMC Saint-Jean, and on the RMC Saint-Jean website.
14. Revision
The Committee reviews the Policy no later than five years from the date of its initial approval, and then at least once every ten years.
15. In Force
This policy entered into force on May 31, 2023.
Appendix 1: Recommendation Concerning the Osside Institute
Operating in the field of professional military education, the Chief Warrant Officer Robert Osside Profession of Arms Institute is excluded from the RMC Saint-Jean Policy on Academic Freedom.
The Policy encourages the Canadian Defence Academy and the Osside Institute to take advantage of the reflection carried out in the context of the Act to develop a specific policy on freedom of instruction in the context of the professional training and development programs offered at the Osside Institute while defining the boundaries of this instruction.
James Groen, Academic Director
Col Gaétan Bédard, Commandant, RMC Saint-Jean
- Date modified: